Ionic Mobile App (IMA) Builder is a web tool (not SaaS) to create template codes for Ionicv1 (modified) and also make a backend for storage media without coding. You can build projects into application files (apk) using ions, cordova or phonegap or build phonegap online.
Components used by the Ionic Framework, Cordova, along with plugins combined with Ionic Material. And data storage media is WordPress REST-API, or it can also automatically create WordPress Plugins. or use other storage media such as Firebase, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, RSS and other CMS. We use the JSON format, if your CMS supports JSON which this tool also supports, and your CMS does not have a JSON file, you can create JSON files using the REST-API Generator. You can even make it easier without touching HTML / JS / CSS using this tool, if you need Custom support for that too.
Examples of this application are made using IMA Builder V.16.10 Aphorisms or Many people use their company name, but you can still search for applications made using our tool in the playstore: q = com.imabuilder